
0 A Death Most Silent

8-Year-Old Balinese Boy Drowns in Lake Beratan on Nyepi Day
 An eight-year-old Balinese boy, I Ketut Adi Juniarta, drowned at Candi Kuning Village at Lake Beratan at Bedugul in the Island’s mountain lake district on Tuesday March 13, 2013 – during the mandatory day of silence – Nyepi. The first grader from Banjar Taman Tanda in Baturiti disappeared from his residence on Nyepi Day when his parents were observing ritual silence associated with the clebration of the first day of the Balinese New Year. 

Ketut Juniarta was last seen at around 11:00 am near a sluice used to control the level of the lake’s water, only to be discovered a short time later by a local woman who saw the boy's body floating lifeless in the water. Reports in Nusa Bali described the deceased boy as precocious, given to disappearing on his own for days on end and engaging in feats of derring-do ithat nclude a past incident in which the boy climbed a 54-meter high tower. 

The woman raised the alarm in the otherwise silent village observing traditional prohibitions against venturing outside one’s home. When villagers rallied to the lake they recovered the boy’s body and brought it to a local health center where Ketut was pronounced dead. In keeping with dictates of the Balinese calendar, the boy lay in state at his family home for the remainder of “Nyepi” and was quickly buried in a local cemetery on Wednesday, March 13, 2013.According to Beritabali.com, police say no signs of violence were found on the boy’s body and his death is being treated as a case of accidental death by drowning.

source : bali discovery news

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