
0 Teenager arrested for pocket money robbery

A 15 year-old junior high school first grade student in Semarang, Central Java, was arrested by police on Sunday for robbery. The teenager said he needed the money for pocket money. The victim is still undergoing treatment in hospital. Along with six friends, the suspect identified only as YAL, demanded money off the male victim and threatened the victim by pointing a weapon before he slashed the man’s body with the weapon. 

YAL told the police he and his friends robbed their victim at Kampung Laut, in Semarang Barat district. “I got a cell phone and a hat,” said YAL during his interview at Semarang police office’s criminal unit on Sunday. YAL, the son of parents whose only incomes comes from selling “kerupuk” or chips made of flour flavored with fish or shrimp, said his friends urged him to take part in the robbery. 

Shortly after receiving a report about the robbery, police searched and arrested YAL at his home, seizing a Cross cell phone and the alleged weapon used in the incident. The police are still trying to locate YAL’s friends who are believed to be teenage street singers. Semarang police chief Kombes Elan Subilan said YAL could face a penalty of seven years in prison as stipulated in Article 365 of the Criminal Code (KUHP). 

Elan said the police would coordinate with the re-education bureau (Bapas) throughout the legal process and his institution would refer to the 2003 Law on child protection. In January, two underage children identified as SEP, 16, and RIS, 17, snatched a bag from a female university student. They said that they used money they got from the crime as pocket money. The police confiscated the motorcycle used to execute the crime and a Blackberry from the youths as evidence. Riding on the two-wheeled vehicle, the teenagers approached the victim. One of them then quickly snatched her bag as they rode off. (ebf)

source : the jakarta post

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